Technology Management – Career Opportunities and Earning Potential

Responsibilities for Technology Management Professionals

Technology management is a truly multidisciplinary field that combines skills in staff and project management with a solid understanding of technical systems and operations. Its aim is critical: to guarantee organizations a competitive advantage through the successful implementation and advancement of technology. Engineering companies or technology-based companies, such as software or hardware companies, rely on well-trained technology managers, but so does any company that uses complicated machinery or computer systems.

Technology managers may face a complex set of tasks, including supervision of a broad range of technical staff, design, and implementation of computer systems and other technological systems, project management, production and operations management, technology value assessment, and oversight of safety and quality control. Management of technology can also include creativity and entrepreneurship as it relates to technology-based organizations.

Technology Management Employment Opportunities

Customer service or help desk positions, database or website creation positions, or programming roles are entry-level jobs in technology management. However, more supervisory positions, including project management, are eligible for those with field experience or who have received graduate degrees. Technology management executive roles, such as Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Director of Management Information Systems (MIS), our Director of Information Technology (IT), have added duties, such as collaborating with top management, supervising staff, and establishing the overall technology plan of a company. In a wide variety of industries, from IT and telecommunications to nanotechnology to insurance and financial firms, job opportunities are open.

The Future of Technology Management

Staff with the leadership skills to be successful technology managers will be in high demand as companies continue to become more technology-focused. To ensure that their computing and technological systems are up to date, effective and reliable, businesses need competent technology managers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects employment growth in consulting services and healthcare companies, in addition to the obvious work prospects in different technology and engineering industries.

Colleges and Universities Offering Technology Management Degrees

Associate Degree in Technology Management: A 2-year degree in a similar field such as technology engineering or information systems management is a good start for working in the field of technology management. A bachelor’s degree, however, is typically the minimum education required for a career in management.

Bachelor’s Degree in Technology Management: A bachelor’s degree in technology management, usually a Bachelor of Science, is a four-year program that prepares you to enter the corporate world of technology. It usually integrates coursework in a specific field of software or engineering with courses in business management fundamentals.

Master’s and Doctoral Degrees in Technology Management: The Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Science (MS), and Doctor of Philosophy are among the academic degrees in technology management (Ph.D.). More advanced courses in the management of technical systems and personnel are offered by graduate programs.

Online Technology Management Degrees: Online degrees in information technology, technology engineering, and project management are available at the 2-year and 4-year levels. In technology management, there are also several online MBA programs.

Technology Management Salaries

IN the U.S. according to the Occupational Outlook Handbook 2018-19 of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median national annual wage for the management of computer and information systems is $135,800. Actual wages can vary greatly depending on field specialization, venue, years of experience, and some other variables. National long-term employment growth forecasts do not reflect economic or employment conditions at the local and/or short-term level and do not guarantee actual job growth.

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