Our Guide to Developing a Strategic Plan for a Web-Based Company
At the start of a new year, the preparation process to sketch out your company-wide learning initiative can be overwhelming. In this post, when preparing your training strategy, we will look at the 6 main factors to consider.
Enhance Training to Ensure Your Workers Are Ready for the Future
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from 2020 with a global pandemic behind us, it’s that planning and creativity can transform major disruptions into even bigger opportunities. Every leader needs to equip their business with the tools and expertise they need to adapt to a global work culture that is unpredictable. Oh, but how?
The response is to chart a roadmap of training effects that will drive any main decision you make in 2021 at the helm of your organization. But you should make sure the initiative for change is developing to comply with your desired business goals. Among the few that have gained traction in 2020 is the learning solutions sector. So, it does not surprise you to know that this year, more than 57% of L&D professionals indicated an increase in their budget.
And while unexpected disruptions can make it difficult to forecast your progress, by encouraging your workforce to roll with the punches, a well-planned online learning initiative may soften the blow of change for your organization in 2021.
Training Needs for a Successful Plan
When performing your SWOT review for L&D this year, here’s what you should bear in mind:
Keep the Material Relevant
It is no longer in line with your ideal business results, thanks to remote working, however fine your legacy training material might have been. That’s why 2021 is the last chance to make the transition from obsolete training materials into the latest avenues of digital learning. It’s time to reconsider not just your employees’ positions, but your whole L&D approach. 2020 has proven to be a catalyst for the already urgent need for digital change. It is time for the current training programs to be turned into scalable digital eLearning materials while avoiding the expense of a complete redesign.
Microlearning Is Key to Training
A recent study has shown that the average worker can devote just 1% of his average workweek to training. The solution for your time-starved employees is to create short bursts of bite-sized learning. This shorter format also accounts for any net connection constraints that your remote workers may face. Video-based learning materials have a sleek, contemporary environment that attracts the learner for longer and keeps them engaged. The ease and freedom of self-paced, rapid learning strategies also empower your younger workers.
Online LMS Is Best
If 2021 is all about accepting the new remote framework of the workforce, then the need for the hour is a brand-aligned learner-centric platform for your courses that is more than just a digital archive. By simplifying your curriculum-deploying approach with a flexible LMS that includes a sub-platform for your employees’ evaluation and certification, you can reduce substantial costs. It is an excellent match for compliance training purposes as well.
Collect Data on Your Training program
Keeping an eye on the business effect of your training efforts is critical. If you can’t say just how far you’ve come so far, you won’t know where you’re in your learning program. Thus, set concrete learning targets and success milestones for the training journey of your employees by reviewing LMS metric data, such as key training statistics and performance reports. Invest in a new LMS that, like course completion rates, digs deeper than traditional metrics. This invaluable knowledge can assist you in correcting your training course.
How Do You Integrate Students into Your Program
Never lose sight of the basic fact that employee empowerment is essentially all about L&D. By defining competencies and focusing on modern learning solutions, you can reduce the costs required to train and upskill pools of skilled employees after identifying skill deficits. Remote training of new (and old) employees is important to a smooth onboarding cycle that does not waste valuable time in miscommunication. By investing in your employees’ career development and soft-skill growth, you will improve employee retention and ROI.
Include Mobil Apps in Your LMS
Chances are they’re on their phones every time the workers take a break from work. Even for remote workers, this has remained so. So you need to infuse the revised workflow of your workers with gamified, engaging, mobile-optimized training that is layered with deepening interactivity levels. The flexibility given by multi-device learning could prove to be the difference between boredom and learning. At the heart of your digital learning solutions should be this important element.
Our Take
When all is said and done, the ones that are focused on close teamwork across verticals are the effective learning solutions. Therefore, daily reviews and areas for development are two topics that should be permanently on the agenda for meetings with your main stakeholders in L&D. You will be able to ride the wave of 2021 if you remain true to your training impact roadmap and accept the shift by embracing new learning experiences.